Seat Reservation Deposit


Course Seat Reservation

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Indicate the course name and date that you wish to reserve a seat in. This will assure that a seat is available for you even if you decide to pay for the remainder of the course at a much later date(But before the class date).

The Deposit is NOT an additional charge for the course.
The Deposit is non-refundable.

*Rescheduling the week of the class will result in a penalty charge of $25. No exceptions. The fee must be paid in addition of the total amount of the class.*

If you need to change the date of your course to a later one, you may do so for up to a 8-week period before forfeiting your deposit (meaning that you can take the course anytime it is offered but only within the 8 weeks of your deposit).
When changing dates for reservation, you must call our office and indicate that you have paid for the deposit and would like to switch course dates.

Specials that specify a specific date of payment, can not be extended. Your deposit does not entitle you to hold a special or package deal if courses are paid on after the deadline.


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